Camp Lutherhaven is a year-round outdoor ministry center that since 1949 has been dedicated to creating adventurous, faith-building experiences for children, youth, adults, and families. Our carefully chosen staff, along with a program that includes recreation, God’s Word, group activities, Christian fellowship, worship, personal growth, and of course tons of fun, combine to create an unforgettable experience.
Camp is located amidst the rolling hills of Northeast Indiana. It is blanketed by hardwood forests of oak and hickory, and resides on the shores of Lake Muncie. It is a place of adventure, growth, fun, and refuge.
The mission of Camp Lutherhaven is to reach out with the love of Christ by providing the setting and resources to strengthen the faith of individuals and complement the ministry of churches.
As our Lord and Savior, Christ is the foundation of who we are. He is the reason for our passion, the focus of our aim, and He empowers us every step of the way as we pursue our mission.
Every person is valuable, as demonstrated by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Because of this, we work in the context of safe and authentic relationships, acknowledging each journey of faith and life story.
We have been blessed with a beautiful outdoor setting which is the primary environment where our mission is carried out. As stewards of God’s creation we care for what is around us and it inspires us to educate, admire, enjoy, and join with all created things in giving glory to God.
We strive to be a healthy, Christian community. In each shared experience joys are celebrated and challenges are met together. Our community is defined by God’s grace, as we pursue honesty, safety, servant hood, and fun.
Excellence matters because our mission matters. This is why we will remain focused on God’s Word, as the Spirit guides us to be people of integrity who work hard, and seek quality, sustainability, and growth.
Lutherhaven’s affiliation and confession of faith is that of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. However, our programs are open to everyone so bring your friends! To find our more about our confession of faith, you may go to
*Keychain included